“There were giants in the earth in those days and when the
sons of god came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children, the same
became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown”
Genesis, chapter 6, verse 4
The Mayans and Incans of South America believed that there
was a race of giants existed on earth before the great flood, so did many other
ancient civilizations, some took them for gods, other made life like models of
them from stone and even wrote about them in their history, the Greeks and
romans told stories of blood falling from Olympus and landing on the lap of the
goddess Gaia who gave birth to the titans a race of fearful giants that
destroyed anything in their way but what seemed to amaze me is the fact that
all those different civilizations documented the same known entity.
My mother always told me stories from the Quran, and I
remember her telling me that people who lived in the time of Adam and Eve were
gigantic and huge! It never occurred to me they were classified as giants
because I always thought of giants as a fairytale mythical creatures that only
existed in books and the human imagination.
As I grew older I started to read more about those mysterious giants of
the old age and I came across many legends and ancient biblical texts but there
was one that amazed me and it was the legend of the Saiduka people.
Lovelock Nevada isn’t just a dead end that exists in the
middle of the Nevada desert, it was a great archeological site. In 1912 miners
reported some strange findings in the cave, it was of mummified mummies that
are believed to be the legendary Saiduka people that lived in that area around
2000 years ago. According to the Paiute Native American Indians they were a
race of cannibal red haired giants, the Paiute’s people were at war with those
mysterious beings. The story goes that the Saiduka tribe attacked and ate the
Paiute people then a fearless group of brave warriors locked the giants up in a
cave and burned them. This story was also mentioned in the writings of Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins a Native American activist.
Unfortunately the miners destroyed most of the artifacts and
mummies before reporting the findings to the authorities, what survived from
the ruins was also destroyed later on and all that’s left from the truth is a
bunch of photos and newspaper clippings that dated back in the time of the
finding. For it lacking enough evidence doesn’t stop me for believing that this
is quite in fact a remarkable discovery and that giants really did exist, as
for the positive and negative features of this discovery for one thing it
proves that ancient text did carry some truth to it and that it’s a worldly
encyclopedia in which the ancients recorded many things that might have been
true but then again there are allot of farfetched documentation that challenges
the scientific odds