Monday, January 16, 2012


like a spark one minute its lit the other its gone just like that!! We as soul beings are exactly like a spark, made to visit the world with time being our enemy and friend. We lite the place up to bring beauty warmth joy.  We occasionally start a fire , its an accident really, mostly it portraits an image that dear precious life is only but a dream. In truth there is love and in lies lays deception. the human mind is a beautiful machine powered by thoughts, memories and people that enter your life to imprint part of their soul within you. Live life! don't be a stranger but be one with mother earth as she gives you life for it is her that shelter you feeds you, isn't that a functional mother in your point of view ? or is it cause u never felt her presence or noticed her? it might be that u think of her so rarely.... Here come real stars to fill the upper skies, and here on earth come emulating fireflies, that thought they never equal stars in size, and they were never really stars at heart achieve at time a very star like start. only, of course they cant sustain the part.


  1. i hope ur doing good in ur life anyways ,,, wish u all the best in the future ,,,, xododiiox ,,, good luck with ur studies and work

  2. 0.0 lets see what to write to make it sound good pew pew pew ... xp hehehe ur improving my dear child

  3. thank you my dear wife / father / evil son <3
