You all wonder who on earth or what on earth is a pink alien bunny ?!!
Its no ordinary bunny! its the most foul , cruel , bad-tempered rodent you human can ever set your eyes on! Its small , its fluffy , its adorable And if you get on her bad side your death will be painful but swift .
related but distant from our all average household bundle of cuteness this particular kind of hybrid monster is far more dangerous then it looks !! Its known for its thick pink fur, sweet quiet looks 10 inches in height with droopy ears. Her plan? well its quite simple!! to take over the known human world ...
Hidden from the known human eye disguised as one of the people. This mastermind survives on sugar and sugar only , due to the fact it was her home planet's only resource of energy. Her home planet? well wonder less its the moon we all know and love!! Since Neil Armstrong was the first human landing on the moons surface, the pink alien bunny is the first extraterrestrial egg to be sneaked into a space shuttle and now living here on earth. Note the fact shes the last of her Extinct breed. who sneaked her in? well that's a mystery still unsolved ....
As for the reason she speaks her mind out on this blog, well its as simple as a bee attracted to a flower !! Given the fact shes had 23 years of human contact shes a well known expert to how those creatures function in her point of view. So without further a do my dear reader welcome to this opened portal of this twisted creatures mind .
ok i would be the first one to post a comment ..... so here it goes Pinky u r my slave -.- so u can forget abt ruling the world im the 1 thats going to rule it and u r coming along for the ride :p